Donations For a Great Cause

If you would like to help us provide medical care to animals in need, you may make a tax-deductible contribution to the Montclair Veterinary Hospital Pet & Wildlife Fund to assist in our efforts.

The animals we treat and the veterinarians who treat them appreciate your generosity. Your continued support through tax-deductible donations helps us with this important, ongoing work. Thank you to all community members who go out of their way to help an injured animal. We appreciate your support and dedication.


Pet & Wildlife Fund Donations

Please help by considering to donate at one of these levels of support:

  • $1,000 Animal Advocate: a donation to help our pets and wildlife thrive

  • $500 Patron for Pets/Animal Care: a donation to sponsor the purchase of medical equipment and supplies to treat animals in need

  • $250 Environmental Educator: a donation to provide educational materials and services for outreach to local schools and the community

  • $100 Pals for Pets: a donation to help animals that require care

  • $50 Relief and Refuge Sponsor: a donation that sponsors one day of hospitalization for an injured animal


You may also send your tax deductible donations to:

Montclair Pet & Wildlife Fund
1961 Mountain Blvd
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 339-8600

Or call us at Montclair Veterinary Hospital at (510) 339-8600 and we’ll gladly accept your Credit Card donation over the phone.


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